Sunday 22 May 2011

How I Met Your Mother- “Hooked” Season 5 Episode 16.

In this episode, Ted is being hooked by Tiffany (Carrie Underwood). Lily’s high school boyfriend, Scooter, works at her school as a lunch lady and is hooked. This leads to a hilarious flashback scene where Marshall thinks she means lunch lady scooter and not lunch lady Scooter. Robin has her camera guy Mike on the hook. Barney explains the evolution of jobs that hot women have. Eventually, Ted mans up and ends it with Tiffany. He also discovers the vicious cycle of hooking. Tiffany’s boyfriend has her on the hook, and in turn she has Ted on the hook who has Henrietta on the hook.
Carrie Underwood was the big guest star and the main attraction, and she’ll probably be overshadowed by Jennifer Lopez next week, so her standard performance won’t be remembered. She had the typical role of the pretty girl. She looked disinterested and said a few lines that showed her disinterest in Ted, but that was the extent.
Overall, the gangs try to convince Ted that he is being strung along by Tiffany, they reflect about relationships where each of them has been in the same situation.
Bloody Awesome Catchphrases 
  • Barney: Shall I walk you through the history?
  • Ted: I’m going to explicitly say no…
  • Robin: Move past it guys. I’ve been a little bit loose, but money never changed hands.
  • Barney:…and so hot girls rolled into doctors offices, rendering the very erection pills they peddled ironically redundant.
  • Barney: What IN THE WORLD is up?!
  • Ted (to Robin): You are Captain Hook.
  • Marshall: Hang in there Scoots, I’m not gonna live forever.
  • Barney: Am I right people?
  • Robin: yea, there’s no people. Just the girl you most recently dated. 
  • Ted: I seriously considered marrying her out of sheer awkwardness

 Legendary Moments
  • Remember Bait…,trampoline too dangerous. slot machine too fun. In fact, Note to single friends/readers: Buy a teacup pig.

  • Ted & Henrietta’s Engagement. Especially, the parental reaction.

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